Memory of being taken against one's will.
Examples for "alien abduction"
Examples for "alien abduction"
1Your highly creative subconscious converted it into an alien abduction dream.
2The space reminded me of some kind of alien abduction site.
3Outfits for every conceivable occasion -including, it seems, the possibility of alien abduction.
4He quickly found the more arcane sites: alien abduction, UFO sightings and the supernatural.
5Elevators are an integral part of the alien abduction experience.
1There's a specialist on the UFO abduction thing.
2'Pyrgus says Faeries of the Night must be behind the UFO abductions'.
3The researchers who gathered for the 1999 UFO Abduction Conference practice what they call "agnostic intellectualism."
4Moonlight bright as a UFO abduction, air heady with the mosquito incense which my grandmother uses to fumigate the lived-in rooms.
5"Coming up next on 'World of Mystery,'" a voice said, "our investigators probe the terrifying world of UFO abductions.
1Climb long enough and you'll have a close encounter … or several.
2It was a close encounter of a magical, one-off kind, demanding explanation.
3Had I really had a close encounter with one of Masada's dead?
4Other than a close encounter with a nervous breakdown, no problem.
5It's time for humanity to have a close encounter of the comet kind.
1Consider the striking parallels between the alien abduction phenomenon and the witchcraft hysteria of the late Middle Ages:
Translations for abduction phenomenon